What is Vitamin B12 or Cobalmin Deficiency and Its Symptoms?

What is Vitamin B12 or Cobalmin Deficiency and Its Symptoms?

Vitamin B12 is a water-soluble vitamin that is naturally present in some foods and involved in the metabolism of every cell of the human body. It contains the mineral Cobalt and also known as Cobalamin. It is available in the pharmaceutical world as a dietary prescribed medicine.

Vitamin B12 is naturally found in animal meat, fish, poultry food, eggs and dairy foods. It plays a vital role in the formation of normal brain function and the nervous system. The Metabolism of every human body cell depends on B12 Vitamin, so it is involved in the red blood cells. It also helps to create the regulation of DNA.

Deficiency of Vitamin B12

Cobalamin can likely cause drastic damage to the human body especially to the brain and nervous system. At the primary level, the deficiency causes fatigue, physical weakness, breathing problem, headaches etc. On a broader level, the damage is more serious. The main type of Vitamin B12 is Anemia which is known as pernicious Anemia. The adults are more at risk because they tend to produce less stomach acid because of the ageing process.

The deficiencies are mainly caused by low intake. Malabsorption, low protein consumption, intestinal disorder, use of certain medications can also be a few of the significant reasons. People who are vegans and totally avoid the consumption of meat are at higher risk to get affected. So, the doctors suggest they take a Vitamin B12 supplement as a substitute.

Symptoms of Vitamin B12 Deficiency

The most common symptoms are memory loss, feeling constant weakness, constipation, lack of appetite, excessive weight loss, sore mouth tongue, diarrhoea, menstrual problem etc.

Neurologic issues such as numbness in the hand and feet, sensory or motor deficiency, brain development delay are also named as symptoms.

Psychic problems such as depression, constant irritation, and unusual brain growth also can be reasons for Vitamin B12 deficiency.