Social Media: Welcome to the World of TikTok

Social Media: Welcome to the World of TikTok

Social media platforms have already made a permanent place among our young generation. A few popular social media sites such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter are used everywhere. Now, it's time for TikTok to shine. 

TikTok: A New Social Media Sensation

TikTok originated in China as a video sharing platform that is locally known as Douyin in China. The platform mainly runs through an app and to use this app one needs to create an account at first, after creating an account they will be introduced with different features such as background music, a variety of filters, editing tools and some content.

People mainly are allowed to create a short clip by using those features. Users can speed or slow up the video based on their convenience. You can also upload your own media creations with a dedicated option. The maximum length of the video is 15 seconds.

Although TikTok is an entertaining app, users can earn money by using it. To monetize the account one needs to gain a strong number of views, followers and likes. Teenagers are the main user of this social media site and the age range varies from 16 to 26 maximum. According to the report, almost 90% of users use this app daily.

Some Asian countries like India, Indonesia, Bangladesh, Pakistan and some others are fighting to take the top spot as users. It also is very popular in the USA and we can see a lot of celebrities use it on a daily basis.

Negative Impact of TikTok on Society

Although TikTok has a powerful influence on our young, we still cannot ignore its drawbacks. We often hear about the controversial viral content which spread wrong messages in our society. Due to this incident, various countries are reportedly banning this social media app in their area.

To solve this uncertain occurrence, TikTok is now implementing more strong privacy controls rules and policies.