Nutrition: Three Ways to Tackle Obesity or Overweight Problem

Nutrition: Three Ways to Tackle Obesity or Overweight Problem

Obesity is a medical condition, a complex disease with many ramifications. It involves building an excessive and unnatural amount of fat in the body. It wasn't long when being overweight was considered as the problem of high-income countries, but now it is a problem in low-income nations too.

Obesity can cause a lot of damage to our physical and mental wellbeing. Being Overweight is one of the prominent reasons for diseases including high cholesterol, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, sleep apnea, cancer, child malnutrition and so on.

According to the statistics of 2016, the number of overweight people stood at 1.9 billion, 650 million of them were obese. Alarmingly, in 2019, around 38 million children were also found to be overweight even before reaching 5 years of age. The only positive about this is that obesity is preventable.

There are several that can help to tackle obesity. In this article, we discuss the three most important ways to reduce the chance of being overweight from below.

Replace Processed Food with Healthy Food

According to the article published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, consumption of processed or ultra-processed food causes a higher risk of being overweight.

On the contrary, filling up plates with vegetables and fruits containing high nutrition will help to burn a lot of calories. So, try to keep low-fat food on your daily menu to stay healthy and fit.

Regularly Perform Physical Exercises

Physical exercise can be an immense help to maintain a healthy weight and overall physique. Adding physical exercise in daily or weekly routines can create a huge difference in losing weight. WHO recommends weight training at least two times a week.

Planned Action on Sugar

Consuming sugary products is one of the major reasons for being overweight. In response, some actions on sugar reduction were included to tackle obesity in the plan taken by the Government of the UK.

The plan is to increase the tax on soft and energy drinks to reduce the intake of sugars in different food products by twenty per cent. So, why not you also make your own plan to take some action on sugar reduction?!