Squirrels: Three of Your Questions Answered About the Rodents

Squirrels: Three of Your Questions Answered About the Rodents

If you are a comic fan, you may have read about the brave Squirrel girl who fights crime both by herself and as part of the Avengers. If you were wondering, no, the name of the superhero or her tail wasn’t inspired by the Squirrel monkey. They actually derived from Squirrel - the rodent, as is the case with the primate monkeys themselves.

Squirrels are small rodents, different species of which are found all over the world. They are quite small in size and can be found sneaking around bushes and giving you a long stare if you come across them. Not so much a menace, they are usually loved by most people.

Anyways, if you have a lot of questions regarding Squirrels or just want to learn more about them, just read on below.

Are All the Squirrels the Same?

While they are maybe part of the same family of species, Squirrels can be quite different from one another, some 200 species to be exact. Some of the examples include Arizona Gray, Arctic Ground, Mountain Tree, Albino, Black and White squirrel and many more.

Where Do Squirrels Live?

Despite having numerous types, squirrels can be categorized in mainly three types based on their habitat and characteristics. These are ground squirrels, tree squirrels, and flying squirrels. The ground squirrels live by their names - in the burrows dug underground. The tree squirrels live in the bushes or any other wooded areas. The flying squirrels live right on the trees, either setting their home in one of the holes or by making a nest.

What Do They Eat?

Squirrels are not harmful to humans directly, but they can be damaging to their tree leaves, crops and veggies as they like to eat them quite often. These little rodents are omnivorous though, occasionally munching on eggs, little snakes, caterpillars, and other tiny insects.